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BELGRADE, January 24, 2011 – Electric Power Industry of Serbia (Elektroprivreda Srbije) and Serbian Transmission System and Market Operator (Elektromreže Srbije) submitted their proposals for the modification of electricity price and the price for the use of transmission and distribution grids to the Energy Agency. The Agency has completed the analysis and issued an opinion implying the prices for households and other mass consumption areas may be increased per maximum 13.5%, while for other consumption categories, the increase may be a bit higher. This price also includes certain profit making. Since these are state-owned companies, Agency opinions indicate that the Government may adopt a separate decision on the profit level in line with their development plans, general pricing policy and macroeconomic policy. It implies that electricity price increase may be lower pro rata.

PE EPS and PE EMS have reduced, i.e. amended their costs in comparison to their original request, which the Agency considered unacceptable. The data used for calculation of proposed prices were based on planned physical quantities and prices for 2010 and these do not include costs modifications and other elements’ modifications which will be faced in 2011. Eligible costs in the distribution grid calculated for these prices are around 10% lower than the ones borne in 2009 with the collection rate of 98%. Approved costs do not include sponsorships as well as other expenses which are not directly related to core activities and which can be financed from profit funds if agreed by energy companies’ founders.

The Agency asked the companies to submit their long-term operations and development plans which would include further rationalization of total costs, as well as the plan for the reduction of losses in the distribution network. Thereby, there would be no more price establishment based on short-term grounds, which would jeopardize investments and security of electricity supply in the years to come. These plans also represent a condition for future successful placement of Electric Power Industry of Serbia on the regional market.

The Agency would like to highlight once again the necessity to establish an efficient mechanism for direct protection of socially vulnerable tariff customers as soon as possible. The mechanism should be applied to those who are in fact not in a position to pay for actual electricity costs. Thereby, one would provide for energy prices to reach the level securing long-term sustainable development of the energy sector, bearing in mind increased costs for environment protection and planet protection from global warming in particular, as well as the investments in new capacities. The Government will decide on the date and the final rate for price increase.

In any case, average tax free electricity price for all consumers is currently on the level of 5 RSD or 4,8 €c/kWh, for households 4,9 RSD, i.e. 4,65 €c/kWh. It is lower than in any of the neighbouring countries or in Europe as a whole. One should bear in mind that the Agency takes these comparisons into consideration as a clue, not as an element for confirmation of validity of either costs or energy prices for tariff customers or the prices for the use of energy network.

4.7.2024 - Approval of Development Plan and Investment Plan of the Distribution System of EDS ... >> Details
12.4.2024 - Approval of Operational Limits for Production Facilities to be Connected to the Transmission System ... >> Details
28.3.2024 - Approval of Transmission System Development Plan of EMS AD for 2023-2032 and of Investment Plan for 2023-2025 ... >> Details
1.2.2024 - Approval of Maximum Capacity Thresholds for Production Modules ... >> Details
18.1.2024 - Approval of EMS Rules for Market Activities Suspension and Restoration ... >> Details
21.12.2023 - Approval of Transportgas Srbija Gas Pipeline Transmission System Development Plan ... >> Details
21.12.2023 - Approval of “GAS BEČEJ” and “YUGOROSGAZ” Distribution System Development Plan ... >> Details
21.12.2023 - Criteria for Approval of Exemption for Connection of Production Units and Customers Facilities to Network ... >> Details
14.12.2023 - Approval of Distribution System Development Plans of “RESAVA-GAS” and “7. OKTOBAR” ... >> Details
11.12.2023 - Approval of Rules on Cross-Border Capacity Allocation between Serbian and Hungarian Bidding Zones ... >> Details
11.12.2023 - Approval of “SIGAS” LLC, Požega Natural Gas Distribution System Development Plan for 2023-2027 ... >> Details
30.11.2023 - Approval of Rules Regulating Cross-Border Capacity Allocation Procedure and Methodology between Bidding Zones ... >> Details
10.11.2023 - Approval of the Transmission Network Code ... >> Details
10.11.2023 - Approval of Rules for Connection of Facilities to Transmission System ... >> Details
10.11.2023 - Approval of Procedure for Connection of Facilities to Transmission System and to Segment of Distribution System Which is Operated by Transmission System Operator ... >> Details
23.10.2023 - Energy Agency Has Adopted Methodology for Billing Unauthorised Electricity Consumption ... >> Details
23.10.2023 - АЕRS: Approval of YUGOROSGAZ TRANSPORT Transmission System Development Plan ... >> Details
5.10.2023 - Approval of Decision on Non-Standard Services Prices of “Elektrodistribucija Srbije” ... >> Details
28.9.2023 - New Guaranteed Supply Electricity Price ... >> Details
21.9.2023 - New Public Supply Natural Gas Prices ... >> Details
18.8.2023 - Approval of Natural Gas Distribution System Development Plan of the Distribution System Operator “SOMBOR-GAS” d.o.o ... >> Details
10.7.2023 - Public Consultation: Drafts of Decisions on Setting Criteria for Approval of Exemption from Connection to Network of Customers’ and Producers’ Facilities ... >> Details
4.7.2023 - Public Consultation: Transmission System Development Plan of the Republic of Serbia for 2023-2032 ... >> Details
21.4.2023 - Approval of Oil Transportation System Network Code of TRANSNAFTA AD Pančevo ... >> Details
6.3.2023 - PUBLIC CONSULTATION: Yugorosgaz-Transport LLC Transmission System Development Plan for 2023-2032 ... >> Details
21.2.2023 - PUBLIC CONSULTATION: Yugorosgaz-Transport LLC Transmission System Development Plan for 2023-2032 ... >> Details
16.1.2023 - Approval of JKP “Standard” Ada DSO Development Plan and Investment Plan ... >> Details
29.12.2022 - 2023 Prices of Ancillary and System Services in Power System Established ... >> Details
29.12.2022 - Reports for 2022 Adopted ... >> Details
29.12.2022 - Approval of Transmission System Investment Plan for 2022-2024 ... >> Details
23.12.2022 - Approval of Distribution System Investment Plan for 2022-2024 ... >> Details
23.12.2022 - Decisions of AERS Council in Fields of Electricity Transmission and Distribution ... >> Details
1.12.2022 - Amendments to Electricity Market Code ... >> Details
28.11.2022 - New Electricity Guaranteed Supply Price ... >> Details
28.11.2022 - New Natural Gas Public Supply Prices ... >> Details
14.11.2022 - Approval of Rules Regulating Procedure and Method of Transmission Capacity Allocation on Border between Bidding Zones for 2023 ... >> Details
15.9.2022 - Approval of JKP “Standard” Ada Distribution System Development Plan Ада ... >> Details
28.7.2022 - New Electricity Guaranteed Supply Price ... >> Details
15.7.2022 - Amendments to Natural Gas Methodologies ... >> Details
1.7.2022 - Amendments to Methodology for Setting Electricity Price of Guaranteed Supply Adopted ... >> Details
1.7.2022 - АЕRS: Approval of New Natural Gas Public Supply Prices ... >> Details
27.6.2022 - Approval of Conditions for Appointment and Prior Approval of Appointment of Compliance Officer for Electricity Distribution System Operator Compliance Programme ... >> Details
27.4.2022 - Public Consultation: Yugorosgaz-Transport LLC Transmission System Development Plan for 2021-2030 ... >> Details
1.4.2022 - AERS Has Confirmed GASTRANS LLC Certificate as to Independent Transmission Operator ... >> Details
31.3.2022 - The Rules on Prevention of Electricity and Natural Gas Wholesale Market Abuse Enter into Force ... >> Details
10.3.2022 - AERS Council: Approval to EMS of Amendments to Rules on Publication of Key Market Data ... >> Details
4.3.2022 - Aprroval of EMS AD Transmission System Development Plan for 2021-2030 and Investment Plan for 2021-2023 ... >> Details
10.2.2022 - Approval of Compliance Programme for Provision of Non-Discriminatory Behaviour of Electricity Distribution System Operator ... >> Details
4.2.2022 - Prices of Ancillary and System Services in Power System for 2020 Established ... >> Details
28.1.2022 - АЕRS: Methodology for Setting Prices of Ancillary Services and Prices of Capacity Reserve for System Services of Secondary and Tertiary Control Adopted ... >> Details
21.1.2022 - AЕRS: Approval of Amendment to Electricity Market Code ... >> Details
30.12.2021 - Approval of EDS Distribution System Development Plan for 2021-2030 and of Investment Plan for 2021-2023 ... >> Details
30.12.2021 - АЕRS: Reports on Necessity of Regulation of Electricity Prices and of Supply of the Last Resort Adopted ... >> Details
29.11.2021 - Approval of Agreements on use and access to transmission capacity on borders between bidding zones for 2022 ... >> Details
25.11.2021 - AERS: Decision on Setting Maximum Repurchase Price for Auctions for Electricity from Wind Power Plants ... >> Details
4.11.2021 - AERS: Methodology for Setting Market Premium and Methodology for Setting Feed-in Tariff Adopted ... >> Details
29.10.2021 - AERS: Approval of Amendments to Electricity Market Rules ... >> Details
28.10.2021 - Methodology for Setting Maximum Purchase Electricity Price and Methodology for Setting Maximum Feed-in Tariff for Electricity Adopted ... >> Details
28.10.2021 - Rules on Prevention of Abuse in Electricity and Natural Gas Markets ... >> Details
22.10.2021 - Public Hearing on Draft Methodologies for Highly Efficient Cogeneration and Micro-Generation and Small Cogeneration Units ... >> Details
22.10.2021 - AERS: Opinion on Annual Compliance Programme for 2020 ... >> Details
11.10.2021 - Public Hearing on Draft Rules on Prevention of Abuse in Electricity and Natural Gas Markets ... >> Details
4.10.2021 - AERS: Public Hearing on Drafts of Methodology for Setting Maximum Purchase Price of Electricity and Methodology for Setting Maximum Feed-in-Tariff for Electricity ... >> Details
24.9.2021 - New Electricity Transmission and Distribution Tariffs Approved ... >> Details
24.9.2021 - Approval of Plan for Transfer of Metering Devices within Electricity Distribution System ... >> Details
17.9.2021 - Approval of Proposals for Elaboration of Two Natural Gas Network Codes ... >> Details
2.9.2021 - Approval of Bases for Elaboration of Three Natural Gas Network Codes ... >> Details
27.8.2021 - Network Codes on Connection to Electricity Transmission and Distribution Systems ... >> Details
8.7.2021 - АЕRS: Amendments to Methodologies for Setting Electricity Transmission and Distribution Use-of-System Charges Adopted ... >> Details
30.6.2021 - АЕRS: Instructions for Drafting Electricity and Natural Gas Network Codes Adopted ... >> Details
12.5.2021 - Submission of Application for Modification of Licence Title ... >> Details
16.4.2021 - Decision on Keeping Business Records as Accounting Records for Regulation Purposes ... >> Details
18.3.2021 - Public Consultation: 2021-2030 Republic of Serbia Transmission System Development Plan ... >> Details
21.1.2021 - 2021 Power System Charges and Ancillary Services Charges Established ... >> Details
31.12.2020 - Approval of Transportgas Srbija Gas Transmission System Development Plan ... >> Details
24.12.2020 - AERS Council Decisions in Fields of Electricity Transmission and Distribution ... >> Details
17.12.2020 - New Electricity Prices Approved ... >> Details
2.12.2020 - AERS 2021 Finanacial Plan Adopted ... >> Details
30.11.2020 - АERS: Reports on Necessity of Price Regulation and Supply of the Last Resort Adopted ... >> Details
24.11.2020 - Two decades of Energy Regulators Regional Association - ERRA ... >> Details
19.11.2020 - Approval of EMS JSC 2020-2029 Transmission System Development Plan and of 2020-2022 Transmission System Investment Plan ... >> Details
19.11.2020 - Approval of Agreements on Use of and Access to Cross-Border Transmission Capacity for 2021 ... >> Details
28.8.2020 - Energy Agency Approved YUGOROSGAZ-TRANSPORT Transmission System Development Plan ... >> Details
29.7.2020 - Public Consultation: TRANSPORTGAS SRBIJA 2020-2029 Transmission System Development Plan ... >> Details
2.6.2020 - AERS Council: Approval of Plan for Transfer of Metering Devices within Distribution System to “EPS Distribucija” ... >> Details
27.5.2020 - Public Consultation: YUGOROSGAZ – TRANSPORT d.o.o. Transmission System Development Plan for 2020-2029 ... >> Details
15.5.2020 - Approval of Gastrans d.o.o. Natural Gas Transmission Network Code ... >> Details
16.4.2020 - Approval to EMS JSC Transmission Network Code ... >> Details
16.3.2020 - AERS Work Organisation during State of Emergency ... >> Details
21.2.2020 - Certificate issued to GASTRANS LLC as to Independent Natural Gas Transmission Operator ... >> Details
23.1.2020 - 2020 Power System and Ancillary Services Charges established ... >> Details
2.12.2019 - Approval of Agreements on Use and Access to Cross-Border Transmission Capacity for 2020 ... >> Details
25.11.2019 - Public Consultation: 2020-2029 Transmission System Development Plan of Republic of Serbia ... >> Details
1.11.2019 - New Power Prices Approved ... >> Details
17.10.2019 - Approval of EMS AD Transmission System Development Plan for 2019 - 2028 and of Investment Plan for 2019 - 2021. ... >> Details
30.9.2019 - Christian Zinglersen – New ACER Director ... >> Details
12.9.2019 - Gastrans: Public Hearing on Operation Rules of Future Gas Pipeline ... >> Details
22.8.2019 - AERS Council: Approval of Plan for Transfer of Metering Devices within Distribution System to Distribution System Operator “EPS Distribucija” d.o.o. ... >> Details
15.8.2019 - Approval of EMS a.d. Rules on Publication of Key Market Data ... >> Details
15.8.2019 - Certificate issued to GASTRANS d.o.o. as to Independent Natural Gas Transmission Operator ... >> Details
16.7.2019 - Revoked Transmission System Operator Certificate of Yugorosgaz-Transport ... >> Details
8.5.2019 - AERS Hosting Meeting on Gas in South and Southeastern Europe ... >> Details
22.3.2019 - The Council of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia adopted Decision on dismissal of certification application of the Limited Liability Company “Transportgas Srbija” ... >> Details
8.3.2019 - Approval of GASTRANS Acts regarding Exemption of New Interconnector ... >> Details
5.3.2019 - Exemption for New Natural Gas Interconnector Approved to GASTRANS ... >> Details
13.2.2019 - Public Consultation: Republic of Serbia Transmission System Development Plan for 2019-2028 ... >> Details
12.2.2019 - Approval of 2018-2027 EMS AD Transmission System Development Plan and 2018-2020 Investment Plan. ... >> Details
25.1.2019 - Approval of Decision on Prices of Non-Standard Services of “EPS Distribucija” ... >> Details
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